Chinese herbs have helped calm the mind, body and spirit for thousands of years with formulas that focus on balancing one’s mood and emotional state. Xiao Yao Wan which translates to Free and Easy Wanderer, is one such formula.

Xiao Yao Wan is made up of 8 herbs: bupleurm (chai hu), dang gui, white peony root (bai shao), white atractylodis root (bai zhu), Poria (fu ling), peppermint (bo he), ginger root (sheng jiang), and licorice root (zhi gan cao).

Free & Easy Wanderer helps with numerous issues by supporting the flow of qi – the activating force that keeps us moving and alive. If there is a block of qi it can effect your body by causing pain, digestive upset, emotional imbalance, or other health issues.

Free and Easy Wanderer supports the flow of liver qi – releasing constraint and encouraging “free and easy flow.” It also nourishes the blood, and strengthens the stomach and spleen. Having a strong overall system and flowing qi will increase your ability to heal from underlying issues causing the upset in your body.

Here is a link to a study that shows that FAEW reduced oxidative stress, just as well as common antidepressants, which builds up your own body’s defenses allowing for healing and recovery in body and emotional stress.

If you are curious if this formula can help you make an appointment with Diane Tanning LAc or Amy Olson LAc, they have decades of experience and knowledge with TCM herbs and formulas.