Grab your lunch and join Holistic Nutrition Coach, Margie Schmid for an online opportunity to discuss hot topics in nutrition and wellness. This is a great opportunity to learn, connect and leave with some great resources.

Cost: $10.00 per class

Location: Virtually on Zoom

Time: 12:00- 12:45 p.m

Dates: Third Thursdays October -May


October 14: Balance Your Blood Sugar Managing your blood sugar is key to good health. In fact, choosing balanced, nutrient-dense meals and snacks can improve blood sugar regulation, reduce your risk for diabetes and help you feel your best. Learn why lowering sugar and increasing fiber is considered the golden ratio in nutrition.

Register Here: Balance Your Blood Sugar

November 18: Gut Health There’s a reason they say to listen to your gut when you feel like something is off. Our gut is linked to nearly every system and organ in our body, including our brain, digestive system, immune system, and hormones. It’s also where nearly 80% of disease stems from. As you explore ways to enjoy good health, your gut is an ideal place to start, especially because it’s largely impacted by diet and lifestyle. In this class, participants will learn simple diet and lifestyle tweaks to help boost your immunity, protect your gut, and positively impact your overall health.

Register Here: Gut Health

CANCELLED December 16: Boost Your Immune System When our immune system is working, we don’t even know it is there, but when it is under stress, we can experience a myriad of health issues from fatigue and digestive issues to autoimmune diseases. Learn how a diet rich in antioxidants can help boost your immunity.

Register Here: Boost Your Immune System

January 20: Intermittent Fasting Intermittent fasting is a hot topic right now for good reason. Learn about the science behind intermittent fasting, the benefits and potential risks and different intermittent fasting schedules.

Register Here: Intermittent Fasting

February 17: Brain Health Our brain is our most powerful tool. Nutrition and lifestyle choices have a huge impact on our brain throughout our lives. In this class, we will learn about brain-boosting foods and lifestyle tips that will help protect our brains from the diseases of aging.

Register Here: Brain Health

March 17: Inflammation Inflammation can be both good and bad. It helps your body defend itself from infection and injury. But chronic inflammation can be damaging, leading to weight gain and disease. Stress, inflammatory foods, and low activity levels can make this risk even greater. Learn about the foods and lifestyle habits that will help you fight inflammation.

Register Here: Inflammation

April 21: Nutrition to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Stress is the #1 cause of most illness and disease including: Heart Disease, Cancer, Digestive Issues, Auto-immune Diseases, Depression, Anxiety, Memory Impairment, Weight Gain and Skin Conditions. Learn how nutrition and lifestyle choices can have an impact on how our body responds to stress and anxiety.

Register Here: Nutrition to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

May 19: Sleep Health Sleep is essential for human health, yet many of us do not get the quality sleep necessary for optimal health. This makes us more than sleepy and grumpy; it can set the stage for diabetes, obesity, depression, dementia and cardiovascular disease. In this class we will learn nutrition and lifestyle tips that will help to get a good night’s sleep.

Register Here: Sleep Health