As the chill of winter melts away and nature blossoms anew, Chinese Medicine emphasizes the importance of aligning our health practices with the cycles of the seasons. In Chinese Medicine, spring is associated with the liver and gallbladder meridians. The liver plays a crucial role in detoxification, energy regulation, and the smooth flow of qi (vital energy) throughout the body.

According to Chinese medicine principles, the liver is prone to stagnation and excess during the colder months, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, headaches, and digestive issues. Therefore, spring serves as a natural opportunity to support the liver in its detoxification processes and restore balance within the body. Just like how nature undergoes a period of renewal and growth in spring, our bodies can also benefit from a period of cleansing and rejuvenation during this season.

To promote liver health and detoxify the body during spring, here are some key practices recommended in Chinese Medicine:


Eat Leafy Greens:

During the spring, we should be eating foods that have upward energies, such as green, sprouting vegetables. Green foods are believed to nourish the liver, and to aid its detoxification. Make sure you include plenty of them in your diet, especially dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, beets, kale, Bok choy, and broccoli. Trouble getting in all your greens? Try SP Green Food or SP Power Mix – two Standard Process products that we have in stock at the clinic.


Balance Emotions and Laugh More:

out blyour- such as writing your thoughts down, with no intention of sharing them, and as silly as this may sound, cheering loudly for your favorite sports team. These practices will allow your body to process and release emotions in an effective way. 

Laughter is a wonderful way to reduce stress, promote overall well-being, and release emotions. Laughter is known to stimulate endorphins, which are the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Additionally, laughter can enhance the circulation of Qi and promote relaxation, this promoting liver health.  Find ways to laugh more by listening to a comedy podcast, watching a silly movie, or spending time with a fun friend.

Seek Acupuncture Treatments:

Acupuncture, a key component of Chinese medicine, supports liver health by promoting the flow of Qi (vital energy) in the body and restoring balance to the organ systems. When there are stagnations or imbalances in the flow of Qi, it can result in emotional symptoms such as irritability, frustration, feeling “stuck”, and depression. Physical symptoms include PMS symptoms, neck and upper back pain, tension headaches, heavy sighing, and even unexplained fertility. Acupuncture helps regulate liver function which can alleviate the symptoms mentioned above. In addition, acupuncture may help support the body’s natural detoxification processes, ensuring that toxins are effectively cleared from the body, easing the burden on the liver.

Chinese Herbal Medicine:

Incorporate liver-supportive herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion root, and burdock root into your daily routine to aid detoxification and support liver function. A formula we often prescribe is Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan. This formula regulates the liver and promotes Qi circulation, harmonizing the blood, and relieves pain. Chinese herbs are based on each individual’s symptom presentation. Ask one of our acupuncturists if this formula is right for you.

By embracing the energetic shifts of the spring season and aligning our lifestyle choices with the wisdom of Chinese medicine, we support our bodies in detoxifying and revitalizing the liver, which leads to improved overall health and vitality.