We are always recommending more beets for our patients diets because they have so many healing properties. They help your liver with detoxing, strengthen your spleen Chi, and is a known “blood builder”. If you’re trying to get more beets into your diet there are more ways than just pickled on top of a salad.

Shaving beets and adding them to a slaw of other vegetables is a quick and easy way to enjoy them. Shave one beet (we recommend Golden beets – they have a more mild, lighter flavor than the red beets) and add it to shredded carrots, cabbage, and chopped kale. Add a lemony vinaigrette of your choosing and eat raw or you can lightly sauté them in a fry pan with Olive Oil and salt and a splash of lemon juice.

A popular way is to simply oven roast them. You can add carrots or other vegetables to the mixture. Add in any fresh herbs that you enjoy to give them even more flavor.

Here are some creative beet recipes that we found from the Food Network. Enjoy!