There is no need to suffer from Menopause anymore with Chinese Medicine Best Practices.

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life marked by hormonal changes that can lead to a variety of symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and insomnia. While menopause is a universal experience for women, the way individuals experience it can vary greatly. To alleviate these symptoms, traditional Chinese medicine offers a holistic and individualized approach that encompasses herbal remedies, acupuncture, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes.

When it Comes to Hot Flashes, the Priority is to Clear internal Heat.

Just as a car might overheat if its cooling system is not functioning properly, a woman experiencing menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats may feel like her body’s internal thermostat is out of balance. These symptoms can be likened to the car’s engine running hot and needing extra cooling to bring it back to a normal operating temperature. Similarly, in menopause, a woman’s body undergoes hormonal changes that can affect the body’s ability to regulate its own temperature. We can help get to the root of the cause to resolve the problem.

First, we will Conduct an Individual Assessment

In Chinese medicine we do a comprehensive assessment as everyone has a unique constitution and imbalance that contributes to their menopausal symptoms. Through a comprehensive assessment of the body’s systems, we can identify the specific patterns of imbalance and recommend personalized herbal formulas, acupuncture treatments, and dietary modifications tailored to address these issues effectively.

Here’s some Tips and Best Practices to Take Control of your Menopausal Symptoms.  

Cool the Body Down

Simple tips such as keeping windows open, using a fan, opting for cooling sheets, and wearing breathable pajamas can help regulate body temperature and alleviate discomfort. Avoiding spicy foods, alcohol, and sugar can minimize added heat as well.

Herbal Remedies for Menopause

Identifying your unique and individual needs lead us to the correct herbal product. One highly effective herbal formula we recommend at Olson Acupuncture and Nutritional Healing for menopausal symptoms is Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan. It is a classical Chinese Medicine formula that clears deficiency heat from the body while nourishing the kidney and liver yin. This formula is especially helpful for patients who have symptoms such as night sweats hot flashes, irritability, insomnia, dry mouth, and other symptoms of dryness relating to menopause. You can learn more here

Acupuncture for Menopause

Acupuncture has been shown to help alleviate menopausal symptoms for some women by promoting clearing of heat and improving the body’s moisture. It can restore balance to organs that may have been deficient for many years which can help reduce hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia. Additionally, acupuncture may help regulate hormone levels, specifically estrogen and progesterone, which can become imbalanced during menopause. By targeting specific acupuncture points related to menopausal symptoms, it can help improve overall well-being and quality of life for women experiencing this transitional phase. Individual response to acupuncture varies and it is essential to consult a qualified acupuncturist for personalized guidance and treatment.

Dietary Changes can Help Menopause 

Diet can play a significant role in managing menopausal symptoms related to internal heat. Incorporating cooling foods such as summer salads and fruit salads can help balance the body’s temperature and reduce heat accumulation. By focusing on cooling ingredients and avoiding foods that contribute to internal heat, women can support their body’s natural ability to stay in balance during menopause.

Here are Some Dietary Suggestions:

Bitter foods can help with heat by dispersing it. Examples include kale, green tea, watercress, turnips, asparagus, and tangerine peel.

Cooling foods can help with hot flashes. Examples include bananas, apples, spinach, broccoli, eggs, cucumber, radish, cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, carrots, romaine lettuce, watermelon, and pears. Chinese Medicine practitioners recommend a balance of cold and warm foods.

Yin foods can help pacify excess heat. Examples include plant-based foods such as fruits like cherries, goji berries, mulberries, and vegetables. These foods also hydrate and cool the body. Leafy greens can help clean the liver of toxins.

In conclusion, it is crucial to recognize that menopause is a highly individualized experience, and symptoms can vary widely from person to person. By addressing the underlying imbalances and supporting the body with cooling therapies, dietary changes and herbs, individuals can navigate this transformative phase with greater ease and well-being. In Chinese medicine, the emphasis is not just on alleviating symptoms but on restoring harmony and balance to the body to promote overall health and vitality.

There is no need to suffer from menopause anymore. Chinese Medicine has had successful treatments for this time in your life for centuries. Give us a call to set up a personalized assessment at 651-439-0018.