As the sun’s warmth grows stronger and nature comes alive with vibrant colors, the beginning of summer welcomes a season of new beginnings and fresh opportunities. It is the perfect time to embark on a journey towards a healthier you by starting a wellness and weight loss program. 

Unlike many quick weight loss fixes, Chinese Medicine offers a holistic and time-tested approach to weight loss. The focus is on restoring balance and harmony within the body. By addressing the root causes of weight imbalances through a combination of acupuncture, herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications, we aim to promote sustainable weight loss and improve overall health. 

First let’s break down some of the challenges people face which can prevent weight loss. 

Food Sensitivities

Food Sensitivities can cause inflammation in the digestive tract, which can make it less efficient. Inflammation in the digestive track can lead to the body absorbing more calories than nutrients, which disrupts metabolism and makes it harder to lose weight.

Immune Challenges

According to Chinese medicine, the body’s ability to maintain a healthy weight is closely linked to the proper functioning of the internal organs and the balance of Qi (vital energy) and blood in the body. When the body is faced with immune challenges, it is believed that the body’s energy (Qi) becomes disrupted, leading to imbalances that can affect various bodily functions, including metabolism and digestion.


Chemicals in food and the environment can disrupt hormone balance, impair metabolism, and contribute to weight gain, making weight loss challenging. Furthermore, some research suggests the possibility that chemicals in common products may contribute to obesity. These chemicals may affect human hormones and change the way our bodies make, store, and use fat. 

Heavy Metals

Did you know that heavy metals can hinder weight loss progress? Heavy metals can accumulate in the body, impairing detoxification pathways, disrupting metabolic processes, and promoting inflammation, all of which can hinder weight loss efforts and lead to resistance in shedding excess weight.

Now what can you do to combat the challenges listed above and achieve healthy weight loss?

Regular Acupuncture

Consistent acupuncture treatments can strengthen the organs most associated with excess weight. Tonifying the spleen, stomach, and intestines means digestion is more complete and elimination more effective.

Nutrition Response Testing®.

Nutrition Response Testing® (NRT) can help people lose weight by identifying and addressing underlying health conditions that may be preventing weight loss. When you put Nutrition Response Testing® and your personalized health improvement program to work, your body immediately starts returning to a natural state of balance. 

Boosting macro minerals and increasing intake of leafy greens  

A mineral to boost is Iron which is in most meats and dark green leafy greens. Another mineral is Magnesium which helps blood glucose levels remain stable. Also, Calcium burns fat in the body, so it’s an excellent natural homeopathic remedy for weight loss. Potassium and Zinc have also been proven to be beneficial for weight loss. Incorporating leafy greens and vegetables aids in liver detoxification, which is essential for weight management. 

Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes are an essential component of digestion. They aid in breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Furthermore, many digestion concerns involve a reduction in digestive enzymes that are endogenously being produced, so supplementation may be needed. Olson Acupuncture & Nutritional Healing carries Standard Process products that are wonderful for supplementing enzymes and supporting the gastrointestinal tract. Read more about them here and visit the clinic to determine if they may support you.

In conclusion, Chinese medicine emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body’s systems, recognizing that addressing underlying imbalances is crucial for sustained weight loss. By focusing on nourishing the body, supporting detoxification, and identifying individual nutritional needs, one can embark on a holistic journey towards healthy weight management in harmony with the principles of Chinese medicine.