Tis’ the season for Autumn skies and apple pies! The fall season is also an incredibly important time to focus on the health of the lungs in Chinese medicine. According to Chinese medicine, the fall season is the “lung season” and in order to maintain health and optimize immunity during the winter our lungs must be strengthened.  

The primary functions of the lungs include respiration and regulating water passages. The lungs are delicate in character and because of their connection to the external environment, the lungs are most susceptible to attack by external pathogens. Here is some advice to nourish your lungs:  

Foods that nourish the lungs: 
  • White Foods – The color associated with the lungs is white. White foods such as radishes, cauliflower, turnips, parsnips, almonds, apples, pears, rice, sesame seeds, onion, garlic, and white peppercorns are very beneficial.  
  • Fermented Foods – These support the lungs by supporting digestive health. Fermented radishes are particularly beneficial.  
  • Protein – The best sources of protein are legumes and white meat, such as chicken and turkey. 
  • Warming Food and Drinks – Limit the amount of raw or iced foods. Drink warm or hot beverages. 
Environments that nourish the lungs: 
  • During autumn the atmosphere is typically dry. The Lung resonates with the dryness of autumn and so Chinese medicine recommends avoiding environments that are excessively damp, as well as the over-consumption of foods which are damp forming (e.g. oily greasy food, cow dairy products, very sweet foods and refined sugar, cold and frozen foods). This is especially important during the onset of a cold or flu when excess mucus and dampness can impair the Lung function. 
  • Wear a scarf or cover the area at the back of your neck and avoid drafts/air-conditioning.  
Movement that nourishes the lungs: 
  • Breathing exercises a couple of times a day help to ensure that any stagnant air in the Lungs is expelled and replaced with oxygen rich air. Place your hands gently on the area of your abdomen just below your belly button. Take a deep breath in for the count of 5. Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Then breathe out through your mouth for a count of 8. Squeeze the lower abdomen in as you exhale the last bit of breath. This will help to clear any air in the Lungs. Repeat 5 times.  
  • If you need to sit for prolonged periods, slumping can restrict the air flow in and out of the Lungs. Choose two different times in the day to set an alarm or alert to remind you to stretch and take a deep breath. 
Grieving helps nourish the lungs: 
  • The Lung relates to the emotion of grief. In autumn there is a natural movement toward letting go of past feelings of loss and sadness. It is a healthy and natural expression of the Lung to grieve during autumn. Giving yourself space to grieve naturally strengthens the Lung’s resilience and enhances its functional roles of immunity, regulation of the rhythms in the body, and fluid metabolism. It also allows for the possibility to experience more content feelings such as happiness, joy, awe, compassion, peace. 

In conclusion, the lungs are very important to overall wellbeing. Take care this autumn to nourish them. Acupuncture treatments will keep your body in tune and ready to take on the autumn season. It can support optimal lung function and improve immunity and resistance to colds, flus, and coughs. Get on our schedule soon. 

In good health,  

The team at Olson Acupuncture & Nutritional Healing