
What is Thermography?

Thermography is a non-invasive clinical imaging procedure that illustrates heat patterns in the body. The infrared thermal images are evaluated for abnormalities which may be signs of disease. Inflammation is a precursor to many diseases such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

The infrared scan measures the internal temperature of different parts of your body. Instead of using harmful radiation, this process uses an imaging camera to measure temperature differences in your body. By using this method, we are minimizing the amount of radiation that most women receive.

Early detection of inflammation may help you prevent many negative health conditions from developing. Annual thermograms allow you to map changes in the body’s heat patterns over time which can alert you to any changes that might indicate disease.

Benefits of Thermographic Breast Screening

All women can benefit from this infrared screening procedure. It is especially useful for women between the ages of 30 to 50 whose denser tissue makes it more difficult for mammography to be effective. It is also beneficial for women of all ages who are unable to undergo routine mammography, such as women with breast implants, radical mastectomies, and other health issues. Full body thermal imaging can also provide a ‘clinical marker’ to a medical doctor showing specific areas which need further evaluation.

Besides being non-invasive and painless, thermography offers early detection of any physiological changes that are a part of breast pathology. Thermography will often show changes 5 to 10 years before a mammogram will spot anything. This often gives the client an opportunity and time to make changes in lifestyle and nutrition to improve breast and general health. Consider the fact that only 25% of all breast cancers are genetically related. That leaves 75% of breast cancer related to our environment. We can see through this procedure how our environment is affecting you, then make recommendations to change the cause(s).

Breast thermography scans completed yearly offers us insight on changes we may need to balance overall health. This includes hormonal, thyroid, and heart health.

It is also a safe non-invasive means to monitor breast lumps, breast inflammation, breast pain, fibrocystic / dense breasts, and cystic breasts.

Our Thermography screener is Valerie Zumbusch CNHP, CCT.  Appointments are available the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Please call our office at 651-430-0018 to make an appointment